leBipBip+ : New design and updated functions for the mini solar-powered audio variometer for paragliders!


Fly with a clear head, without having to worry about your vario's battery level!

leBipBip+ is solar-powered and contains an internal li-ion battery.

The instrument recharges continuously thanks to its large solar cell, even when it's switched off, giving you up to 100 hours of autonomy without the sun.

leBipBip+ is solar-powered
mini solar-powered audio vario with powerful buzzer


This new version, leBipBip+, boasts a noise level 4 times greater than its predecessor (82dB).

With a new buzzer and a redesigned resonance chamber (front grille), the three beep volume levels are perfectly clear and powerful, allowing the BipBip+ to be used not only on the back of the helmet, but also on the harness shoulder strap, the cockpit or the riser, and even with a full-face helmet.

The vario's audio response has also been fine-tuned to meet the needs of every pilot, from precise information in light lift to a calmer sound in strong thermals.


Free flight means free, free from the crowd, and also free from noise: by selecting the silent mode, the beeps are deactivated and only the LED flashes according to the rate of climb. Green for ascent, red for descent alarm!

For paramotorists, it's a simple way of checking the rate of climb, despite the engine noise.

solar-powered mini vario audio with LED up/down indicator
low lift detector


leBipBip+ has a third type of sound: zeroing, or low lift detection.

This sound is made up of short modulations indicating weak lift (from -30cm/s to your rate-of-climb setting, by default +20cm/s), not strong enough to roll up, but which will help you find the nearest thermal.

In the image, the pilot in grey has not activated the low lift detector function, whereas the pilot in green has activated it. When he arrives in the zone of weak lift, the buzzer beeps slightly, allowing him to search for the core of the thermal.


The rise rate threshold and reactivity time are configurable, so you can choose when the beeps start.

The sensitivity of the rate of climb is adjustable from +10cm/s to +50cm/s, with a slow or fast response for each threshold (default: fast).

adjustable sensitivity and reactivity
lowering alarm settings


The descent alarm (default: off) is adjustable in steps of -0.50m, and gives the pilot audio feedback when he enters a significant descent zone.

The setting ranges from -1m/s to -3.5m/s, and can be deactivated.


Compact and robust, the leBipBip+ is the ideal companion for tandem flights, back-up competitions and walk & fly!

Dimensions :
5.7 x 3.6 x 1.7cm

Weight :

leBipBip+ on an ultra-light helmet
leBipBip+ is designed in Grenoble, France


leBipBip+, like its predecessor and leGPSBip, is designed, manufactured and assembled in Grenoble, France, in the heart of the Alps.

Stodeus Paragliding is a small two-person company with a passion for paragliding, working in collaboration with a sheltered workshop for disabled workers in France.


Like all the products available on this website, leBipBip+ comes with a two-year guarantee.

And because we believe in environmentally responsible products, the instrument has been designed with ease of repair in mind: we offer spare parts if you need them. All parts are easily replaceable with a small base of technical skills.

an affordable mini solar-powered audio vario